Allxclub介紹 會員福利 如何賺錢 市場規模 與我聯絡 加入會員
Jkvgkjgvqq USA 02:01:17
Peter USA 01:55:59
Ffffdd USA 01:54:28
Jennifer USA 01:40:14
Jennifer USA 01:37:24
Jennifer USA 01:37:13
Test USA 01:17:17
Sue USA 01:09:20
Piercarlo USA 01:03:42
Jeff USA 01:03:32



Thursday Night’s
9 PM Eastern, 6PM Pacific
Dial: 218.486.1400
Access Code: 20173#
Recorded Opportunity Call Dial: 888.317.5859



This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I've earned a tremendous income from this industry for many years. AllXClub offers YOU the tools and opportunity to make a fortune.

                     - John (Atlanta, GA)

這是一生的機會, 我已在這個產業賺到巨大的收入有好幾年, Allxclub提供你發財的工具和機會.

       - John (亞特蘭大,喬治亞州)


I have 164 people right now, building their own business and building mine at the same time. That's leverage!

         - Carmine (Long Island, NY)

我現在已經有164位成員, 他們在建立自己的事業同時, 我也在建立自己的事業.

    - Carmine (長島, 紐約州)


We had our first 3 people in about two minutes! It is such an easy presentation. Anyone can do it.

- Lynn (Miami, FL)

我在兩分鐘左右就有了前三位夥伴! 這真是簡單的行銷手法. 每個人都可以做到.

- Lynn (邁阿密, 佛羅里達州)



只需要幾個簡單的操作, 你立刻就可以成為Allxclub會員.

美國區的加值會員每月會贈送Magic Power Coffee, 若非美國地區會員, 建議選擇成為一般會員即可.




你將成為Allxclub的加值會員, 每月你將可獲得Magic Power Coffee 12packs, 請好好享受所有會員福利.

$99.95 per month. 



一般會員 (請選擇此項)

你將成為Allxclub的一般會員, 你可以購買任何商品並參予此創業機會.

$39.95 per month.





由於此為美國網站, 所以加入時, 所需填寫的資料為英文介面, 以下特別翻譯, 讓所有非英語系會員也能輕鬆加入.

1. 姓名部份你可用假名, 不需為護照上的英文姓名.

2. 電話/地址如果你不放心, 可以不用填寫真實的聯絡方式, 等到你開始有賺錢後公司若要寄資料給你, 你隨時可修改聯絡資料.

3. eMail address請務必填寫正確

4. 信用卡資料, 此為往後每月自動扣款, 請使用你常用的卡, 才不會因沒注意造成公司無法扣款, 會員權益喪失. 當然若公司無法扣款時, 會用eMail先與你聯繫, 只要一個月內, 會員權益都可保留.

5. 若你真的不放心, 怕信用卡刷錯, 你可先加入試用會員, 只要$1.99美元, 等操作都熟悉後, 三天內再決定是否轉正式會員.




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*DISCLAIMER: The examples set forth here are hypothetical examples that are intended to explain the components and operation of the AllXClub Compensation Plan. These hypothetical examples are not representative of the income, if any, that an AllXClub Member can or will earn through his or her participation in the AllXClub Compensation Plan. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings, whether made by AllXClub or a Member, would be misleading. Success with AllXClub results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities. Because AllXClub is so young, it has not yet had the ability to determine either: (1) the average earnings for all its Members; or (2) the percent of AllXClub Members who achieved or exceeded the hypothetical earnings set forth above. As soon as this information is available, we will provide it on this page. †An Associate must be active in order to sell product and earn commissions & bonuses. You must also be qualified to earn commissions. This means you must have at least 30 PV monthly to be qualified to earn matrix commissions. Or, you can personally sell product with at least 30 BV.


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